Sat 11th Jan (11:40am - 3:00pm) Pantomime - Sleeping Beauty Where: Sir James Hawkey Hall Good evening,
Following our previous survey of interest, we have now secured tickets to the Woodford Pantomime production of 'Sleeping Beauty' at the Sir James Hawkey Hall, on Saturday 11th January 2025 at 12pm midday, with a meet time of 11:40am. As it is over lunchtime, we suggest the Squirrels bring a packed lunch. The cost will be £18 per person (its the same price for children and adults). Parents and siblings are very welcome, please specify the number of tickets you would like to request and we will try to accommodate.
Payment will be by bank transfer to the 36th EFS Sea Scout Group, details to follow once all places are confirmed. Once committed, tickets are non-refundable unless we can fill your space(s), as we have already purchased them.
We will be attending with the Beavers who have sent their own event invite, so if you have a child in Beavers, please make sure they are not counted twice.
Any questions, please contact us via the Squirrel Team...
Cost: £18.00 |